Author Archives: hmaurer

Sauna Special 🍂

Chalet mit Sauna

    Wir freuen uns, Euch unser beliebtes Sauna-Special auch in diesem Herbst wieder anbieten zu können. Bis 28.2.2025 könnt Ihr mit bis zu zwei Personen in Chalet Mitte 10% sparen. Genießt Euer eigenes Private-Spa mit Sauna und Infrarot, Dusche, bequemen Sitzmöbeln und kuscheligen Bademänteln. Auch als Workation im Herbst [ … ]

Vacation with Family and Friends in the Moselle Chalets

Mit diesen Fotos unseres Summerdinner-Shooting verfallen wir immer ein wenig in Sommer-Nostalgie   Vor allem aber möchten wir Euch gerne zeigen, wie schön ein lauschiger Sommerabend aussehen kann, wenn Ihr alle drei Chalets bucht, den Sichtschutz auf der Terrasse öffnet und es Euch mit Euren Liebsten [ … ]

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram ❤

On our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram you can find out about last-minute offers, booking gaps and other promotions. That would simply blow up the blog here. So feel free to follow us there and keep up to date. And of course we are always happy about ❤❤❤ and new subscribers 🙂 [ … ]

Leisure tips for your holiday on the Moselle

Updated – Sights for your safe holiday on the Moselle We have summarized the most important facts about a stay with us for you. The information is not guaranteed, can change at any time and results from the current Corona Control Ordinance RLP, among other things. But we definitely want to give [ … ]

Holidays on the Moselle – after the flood

JULY – 2021. We would like to share some information and thoughts on the subject of “holidays on the Moselle” with you. We would like to thank everyone who inquired about us during and after the storm disaster on the Ahr. As many know, we also had floods on the [ … ]

Holiday home vacation with VIP service – part 5 home series

It’s easy to see the great connection between the two and the ancient temple complexes, isn’t it? Gaby and Andi from our family team, hosts of the Moselle Chalets AND the Martberg Archeology Park – now VIPs on the Moselle The impressive history of the Martberg goes back to around [ … ]

Award-winning winegrowers and wine shops on the Moselle – Part 4 homeland series

Our home town of Pommern is home to several award-winning winegrowers and partners of our holiday homes. We dedicate the fourth part of our homeland series to the Leo Fuchs winery. Award-winning vinotheque – just a 5-minute walk The traditional and award-winning family winery is located in the heart of [ … ]

A World Champion and the Moselle Chalets – home series part 3

We continue with the third part of our homeland series about Pommern on the Moselle. Today with a real and, above all, multiple world champion, who recently even received a lifetime achievement award – Hubertus Vallendar. Born and raised in Pommern, he has always remained true to his homeland despite international expansion. [ … ]

Our holiday homes – open words on our own behalf

Why we chose the “Adults Only” concept for our holiday homes and no pets. If you are planning a holiday home project, many decisions have to be made… – but first about us: Our small family business currently has two children under the age of 6, a teenager and a baby. [ … ]

Home series part 2: Onkel Otto Restaurant

A holiday home on the Moselle needs regional partners. We are proud of the partnership with Sascha and his family. So we continue with our home series. Today we would like to introduce you to Onkel Otto . No, Onkel Otto is not another member of our family business. But we know each other [ … ]

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